Monday, June 21, 2010

Toy Story 3 Review

Good afternoon all,
This past weekend, me and my lovely wife, + one, had an opportunity to go and see
Toy Story 3 with my nephew. Now while this wasn't an official S.U.M.M.E.R. M.O.V.I.E.S. outing, I still never miss a chance to give my opinion.
Overall, I thought it was a pretty good movie and a nice ending to the Trilogy that Pixar has brought us. This was also a movie that I did not see all of the prior episodes in this lineage. I only saw the first one. And even though I tried to convince my nephew that he should go see Shrek (which I have seen all the previous movies) he still choose the more expensive of the two (We saw it in 3D as well).
I was still able to follow the story with ease and even if this is the only Toy Story that you've seen, you will not be disappointed - Unless you see it in 3D, HUUUUGGGGEEEE waste of money in my mind.
Without giving away too much of the film, it had it's funny parts, and tense parts. Shoot there were even some emotional parts - Thank God for the little girl next to me that told me that it would be alright and not to cry anymore... (Look, I was touched...)
And while, like a lot of movies now-a-days, it was predictable, I found myself still on the edge of my seat waiting to see how the story would play out. So with that being said - I say this is a very good movie to spend your money on. Because quite honestly, you could waste your money on less, but at least this way, you'll gather some valuable life lessons, and see what true friendship is all about...

Movement of

Interesting &

Holla y'all!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just a thought... if you are not a fast walker, you probably should not "Jay-walk"...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jesus Doesn't Have Road Rage - Does He?!

Good day all,
Today I want to vent about the up & coming trend of "Road Rage". But really, I want to look at it in a different light. Now we have all been the victim of some idiot driver who carelessly cuts you off, fails to use a turn signal, or even turns right from the left lane. I'm also positive that more than a few of us have used "choice words" when referring to such bad drivers. It happens, it's understandable.

But what gets me is when Driver A, cuts off Driver B, and then Driver B takes it upon themselves to roll down their window & yell at Driver A. Or perhaps blow their horn unforgivingly at Driver A, or even decides to follow Driver A so they can tell them off.

People are crazy these days. You don't know what they will do when backed into a corner. But ladies and gentlemen, let me point out the real tripped out thing. Allow me to introduce the one remaining fact that always, ALWAYS - blows my mind...
The drivers that have the worst rage while driving, are the same ones that have a representation of Jesus on their car. A Jesus Fish, a cross, a bumper sticker, whatever it may be. These people are vicious. Now, as most people know, I am a God-fearing man who goes to church most Sundays and praises the Lord EVERYDAY. But I do not have any proof on my car of that. Mainly because, Christian witness is difficult enough as is. Now, If I were to have a Jesus piece on my car, as I drive along the highways of life, cussing out every Tom, Dick, & Harry publicly without explaining to anyone - why I would do such a thing.
On top of all that - I really don't like bumper stickers or excess things on my car - they draw unwanted attention. I don't even want 20's anymore - Just give me factory!

So after further review, there are a few different suggestions I have for those such people with Road Rage:

1) Take down the license plate number, make and model of the car, and call a tow truck to their home at 3 in the morning.

2) Remove the Jesus symbols from your ride, then no one will judge you as a "Jesus Freak" they will only judge you as a Freak...

3) Calm your little tail down! We all are victims to bad drivers. GET OVER IT!

Jesus didn't have road rage, why should you?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Just Wright Review

Hola Mi Amigo's...
How's everyone doing out there in Movie Land? Today I wanna review the Movie "Just Wright" starring Queen Latifah & Common. Two people who were so greedy, they decided they didn't want to just do Hip Hop and hone their skills at that; They decided to get on the big screen too. Stingy M.F.'s... But it's cool, b/c they really are coming in to their own as legitimate thespians (all the Queen puns are not needed...)

So, S.U.M.M.E.R. M.O.V.I.E.S decided to spend some more of our hard earned $ on this movie, and ya know what. It was ok... Sure "Common playing an All-Star Point Guard is about as believable as Sean Patrick Thomas as a hip hop dance guru" (to quote my boy Lou), but if you look beyond that, the story was pretty good. I'm not gonna lie though. The movie was definitely predictable in more spots than others. Hell, I bet if you haven't saw the movie yet, you can already guess what went down. But it was a twist and a pleasure to see how this group would interpret the "Patient falling in love with their nurse after being dumped by a gorgeous lady".

So I liked it. Will I see it again? Maybe when it premiers on TBS in a few months
But on the real - if you have a chance, I would wait until it comes out on video or something before going out to spend your money on this flick. Unless you wanna support the actors & in general the black cinema, then by all means - Go! It won't be a waste of time.

Movement of

Interesting &


Monday, May 10, 2010

Iron Man 2 Review

This little thing we like to call S.U.M.M.E.R. M.O.V.I.E.S is now in session...
Today, I would like to review Iron Man 2. If anyone knows me, they know I like these kind of movies and this one did not disappoint. It stayed true to the comic book (which is generally what I go off of, and not the many variations of cartoons).

First the negatives. It had a couple of slow points. Ya know careless banter between good & bad, friends to ex-friends, back to friends again, and stuff like that... Some of it was kinda necessary, but there were a few too many for my liking. And it always seem to be really funny, when these people spend, what seems like hours, getting mad at each other, and then get back all "buddy-buddy" like in a few seconds after a deep apologetic moment...

That's it... Now to the good stuff. Man, once again, the action was off the hook. The fact that technology looked so amazing and the fight scenes - man, they kicked butt! (Family friendly commentary). I also liked the fact that they did hint at the next installment of Marvel Movies (Thor). I felt it did also capture the true struggle of what Stan Lee originally set out to do when he created Iron Man some decades ago. So I definitely appreciate that.

All-in-All, I would definitely recommend you go see this film. To me, it is, not only, a definite see, but I will be buying the DVD when it comes out (and not the boot-leg version either)

Movement of
Interesting &


Friday, May 7, 2010

Did You Get My Email?

Good day all,
I have an issue to share... "Unnecessary Follow-Up".
Now, I've been told to always make sure you follow up in the business world. "If you take on an assignment, then make sure that you stay on top of it", and all that good stuff...
Well today, I've finally had enough... Of those following up on emails they sent less than 5 minutes ago.
While trying to type this post alone, I have received 4 emails, 3 calls and 2 visits regarding one issue. Now it could be that they were trying to tell me something different. It could be that they are extra concerned about me doing my job. I would say okay to all of these, if it were the case. It is not.
These people all want to be included on a list. A voluntary list that will be closed up by the end of next week. So the deadline is not even fast approaching. Everyone is super interested in making sure that their name is on this list.

Now let me give a few pointers (in my opinion) on proper "email-to-visit followup" ratio.

1) If you send an email out to someone, give them time to respond to it. Set up a reasonable time for them to do their work and read their email. Do not send them an email and within the next 2 minutes come out to make sure that it was received by the person. This could get your name moved to the bottom of the list.

2) If you call someone and they ask you to send them an email about this issue at hand and you oblige, then please realize that they are more than likely unable to record the information at that time so more than likely, if you come back and ask them "Did you get my email" 5 minutes later, they may not have had an opportunity to look at it.

3) When you call and the person is not at their desk and you proceed to leave a very detailed message, and then you state at the end of it, you're going to send an email as well, that's good follow up. But don't send an email stating that you just left a voice mail message about "said-topic" and to reply back if you have any questions. And on top of that seek the person out telling that you have just left them a voice mail AND an email. NOW, if the situation called for more dire actions, then please, take the necessary actions. If not, and this is just a suggestion, let the person respond accordingly...

4) When talking with someone, and you tell them that you are going to send them an email about "xyz" and you do proceed to send them an email about "xyz" then chances are that they know about "xyz". It may not be necessary to come right out after you hit the send button of "xyz" email just to tell them that you sent them an email about "xyz". This may be what they considered... Overkill.

Once again, I am not telling you NOT to follow up. I'm simply saying don't ask me about your situation unless the predetermined, pre-listed, pre-agreed upon time line has passed...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Common Sense + Working at McDonalds= Happy Customers

Ok, so I have something to say this morning...
Common Sense+Working at McDonalds=Happy Customers.
So this morning, me and my wife were actually ahead of schedule and decided to stop by McDonalds to get some breakfast. Well, the drive through line was extremely long @ 7:45 am, as expected b/c 9 times out of 10, people are in a hurry or just too lazy to get out of their car and go inside and order what they want (present company included, so I'm not judging, just saying...)
So we went inside and there was NO ONE in line, not a soul. We went to order our food and to our dismay, this girl couldn't understand what in the world we wanted. Now before I go on with this story, let me preface it by admitting a few things.
1. We don't eat everything and we usually change up how our food is. Granted
2. We know that this is not Burger King and their motto is not "Have it your way" but they do usually oblige with a small substitution fee and we are aware of this.
3. These are young cats that may or may not always had the full life experience of "change"

So, continuing on with this story. My wife proceeds to order a Sausage biscuit combo, no egg, and instead of a sausage patty, a piece of Canadian bacon, with cheese.
The lady taking the order does not understand the order and asks us why don't we get the egg McMuffin instead. We wanted the BISCUIT!!!
Ok, so she proceeds to tell us that she's never heard an order like that...

Part II - The lady proceeds to input kesha's order separately, so that it'll make sure that all of the items ordered are given to her. Weird, but ok, whatever... When all is said and done, the bill came up to $11.19 - Um, my combo costs $3.49 + tax. Her meal should have cost $3.49+substitution fee+cheese+tax. We're looking at a bill no more than $10... But after some correction, re-addition of the items, separately, and realizing that this doesn't make any sense to anyone, the bill came to $9.28.

Part III - This is the part that really got us. We got our food and left out. Now let me tell you, when we left, there was a line of about 4 other people waiting and an additional register had to be opened to serve the customers. So we're in the car, headed to her job when my wife opens her food so that she can eat before she gets there and as she opens up, all her food is there, but she was served:
A biscuit
A piece of Canadian bacon
A piece of cheese.
All separately and she needed to put her sandwich together.

Now tell me, who was the one without the common sense in this case?
The idiot who rang up this order?
The dumbass who put the order together (figuratively, not literally)
Or us for going to this McDonalds in the first place...